Global 4:

Investment Overview

Defensive investment strategy primarily focused on government and corporate bonds from developed nations. The equity portion consists mainly of large-cap stocks, with an underweight allocation to size and value stocks.


Global 4


Goal: Accepting minor fluctuations while aiming for capital preservation

Expected Return: Approximately 5.00% p.a. in the long term

Equity Allocation: Approximately 35.10%

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Historical return of the strategy

Past performance is not indicative of future results. Please read our risk note here.


Asset ClassTitleAllocation
Emerging Market StocksiShares Core MSCI EM IMI UCITS ETF10,80%
United States Stocks


European StocksLyxor Core STOXX Europe 600 UCITS ETF5,90%
Value Stocks WorldwideXtrackers MSCI World Value UCITS ETF5,70%
Small-Cap Stocks WorldwideSPDR MSCI World Small Cap UCITS ETF3,80%
Japanese Stocks

Vanguard FTSE Japan UCITS ETF

Eurozone Government BondsLyxor EuroMTS Highest Rated Macro-Weighted Govt Bond 3-5Y (DR) UCITS ETF18,90%
Euro Corporate BondsXtrackers II EUR Corporate Bond UCITS ETF16,80%
United States Government BondsInvesco US Treasury Bond 1-3 Year UCITS ETF13,60%
Emerging Market Government BondsXtrackers II EUR UBS Bloomberg Barclays USD Emerging Markets Sovereign UCITS ETF (USD)5,20%
Inflation-Indexed Government Bonds EurozoneLyxor Euro Government Inflation Linked Bond (DR) UCITS ETF3,50%
Asset ClassTitleAllocation

BNP Paribas Easy Energy & Metals Enhanced Roll UCITS ETF EUR

Asset ClassTitleAllocation
Gloabl Real EstateAmundi FTSE EPRA NAREIT Global UCITS ETF3,90%

Our costs

Transparent and Simple

Service fee

0.75 %

of the investment amount per year

ETF Costs

0.16 %

product costs per year


Your benefits

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High Returns
High Returns
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Our Factor Investing Investment Philosophy

Based on Financial Science

Ginmon’s investment strategy is based on the findings of Nobel laureates Prof. Dr. Fama and Prof. French. Their three-factor model aims to optimally capture market returns. To achieve this, we construct a globally diversified portfolio of approximately 12,000 individual securities. In addition to global diversification, we focus on investing in small-cap and value companies, consistently generating higher risk-adjusted returns.


Scans the market for ETFs to select the best investment products for you cost-effectively.


Ensures that the target allocation of your portfolio is preserved during market fluctuations.


Identifies additional optimization opportunities and protects your portfolio from unnecessary reallocations.

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Legal Notices

These documents from Ginmon Vermögensverwaltung GmbH (Ginmon) serve solely as informational/advertising material and have no legal binding.

The basis for Ginmon’s service offering is the underlying contract documents. Ginmon forwards customer orders for execution to the custodian bank. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Therefore, it cannot be guaranteed that an investment strategy will achieve the same performance in the future as it has in the past.

Ginmon does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information. Information regarding the risks can be found in our document “Risks of Capital Investment.” This and further information can be obtained free of charge at


Global 4

Goal: Accepting minor fluctuations while aiming for capital preservation

Expected Return: Approximately 5.00% p.a. in the long term

Equity Allocation: Approximately 35.10%

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