The Ginmon affiliate program

You run a website or a social media channel around the topic of investing, ETFs and retirement planning and are looking for affiliate partners?

Reasons for Ginmon

You fit to us if:

Our partners

How does it work?

1. Registration

If you are interested in an affiliate partnership, simply contact us via the FinanceAds or FinanceQuality portals.

2. Place links

After your website has been verified, you can place the links and advertising materials that we provide on your site.

3. Earn comissions

You will receive commissions for both leads and sales – depending on the investment amount, the commission can be up to 525€.

Contact us!

If you run a website or a social media profile (Instagram, YouTube, etc…) with a large reach or a special concept, feel free to contact us directly to discuss an individual cooperation.

Your contact:

Ginmon Affiliate Management


Ginmon and you – A strong team!