
Video identification with WebID

WebID is an online personal identification process. Electronic identification is carried out conveniently and securely via video call using all common internet-enabled devices.

This is how the identification works

  1. Immediately after your registration on you will receive a link that will forward you to the WebID portal. At the beginning you have to fill out an online form with your data, which is then checked by WebID using the official register of residents.
  2. Identification then takes place via a video call. An employee will check your identity document for authenticity. After matching your ID and face data, you will receive a 6-digit TAN number by email or SMS. Entering this transaction number completes the legitimation process.
  3. After the online identification has been confirmed, all necessary data is automatically transmitted to us in encrypted form.

What is needed:

Valid identification document
With photo (identity card or passport)
PC or mobile phone
Internet-enabled device with camera and microphone
Via WebID app or a browser with a good internet connection

Frequently asked questions

Which identification documents can I use to identify myself?

In addition to a valid German identity card and passport, almost all international identity documents are recognized.

What technical requirements should my smartphone/tablet meet?

For identification via mobile device, you only need the "WebID app". Alternatively, you can carry out the identification via a standard browser (e.g. Chrome).

How much will video identification cost me?

The procedure is free of charge for you.

When can I use video identification?

Core service hours are Monday through Sunday from 7:00 am to 10:00 pm.

How long does the legitimization process take on average?

The legitimation process takes an average of four minutes.

What happens to my data?

The data is stored by WebID only during the processing of the order.

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