Protect your savings from inflation 

For savers who want to finally free their money from the zero interest rate trap.

The Ginmon savings account: Achieve a return – compensate for inflation! At the same time, the money is flexibly available and safely invested.

Promotion for the launch of the Ginmon savings account: No service fees until the end of 2022!*

Here's what you can expect in our guideline:

The Ginmon savings account

2.68% p.a. expected return after costs

Inflation protection for your savings

No negative interest guaranteed (ever)

Automatic tax optimization

No minimum term

Protection through status as a special fund

Interesting and cheaper than what the usual financial institutions offer.

Four years ago, I entered the world of roboadvisors. It was not difficult and has led to a remarkable return. 

Stephan Weber Lector
A tax advantage which no other provider uses.

Ginmon sells profits in the amount of the submitted saver's lump sum. A tax advantage over other providers, which can even be higher than the fees paid. I can recommend Ginmon without reservation.

Janik Meder Consultant for international tax law
Technology, science and financial experts

Ginmon combines technology, science and financial experts to provide individuals with an unprecedented opportunity for professional wealth accumulation.

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang König Director, House of Finance, Goethe University
Mit Ginmon erzielen Sie Renditen überhalb des Inflationsniveaus

Inflation adjustment instead of zero interest

Get your savings in a checking account, savings account, call account or time deposit out of the zero interest trap. Meager interest rates don’t have to be!

With an expected return after costs of 2.68%, the Ginmon savings account is above the average inflation rate and prevents the loss of purchasing power of your assets.

Avoid negative interest permanently

For years, savers have received little to no interest. But it’s getting worse. More and more banks and savings banks are even charging negative interest. Allowances are getting smaller and smaller.  Meanwhile, all savers face the danger of still having to pay for parking your money. 

The Ginmon savings account provides a remedy. It was developed with a very conservative investment strategy and combines positive characteristics of classic savings investments such as security and availability with the return on the capital market.


Banken, die Negativzinsen an Ihre Kunden weiterreichen

Better in comparison to banks

Compared to the rating of the largest banks in Germany, the quality of the bonds in the Ginmon savings account is significantly better.

Over 51% of the bonds included have the highest possible seal of approval (AAA). The average rating of the bonds in the Ginmon savings account is (AA), the third best rating out of a total of 22 levels.

In addition, the Ginmon Savings Account is considered a special asset and is therefore 100% protected, while for bank deposit insurance the limit is €100,000.

Complete insolvency protection
Complete insolvency protection
Your investment is 100% protected in the event of insolvency.
Full flexibility for your assets
Full flexibility for your assets
You can freely dispose of your money at any time. No terms, no commitment.
Expected return p.a. after costs
Expected volatility p.a.
ØRating of the included bonds
Custody fee
Ginmon savings account
2,68% p.a.
3,56% p.a.
100% special assets
compared to long-term inflation of approx. 2%.
very stable in value
more secure than most banks
No negative interest rates
compared to a deposit guarantee of €100,000

Of course we are also personally available

Do you have questions about the Ginmon savings account or our service? Our customer service and investment experts are always there for you personally.

Feel free to contact us!

Live chat
Live chat
Our chat allows you to start a conversation with one of our experts immediately.
Arrange a callback conveniently and we will get back to you at the agreed time.
By email to, you can reach us as usual and tell us your questions and wishes.

Start now with your Ginmon savings account.

Only a few minutes and your Ginmon savings account is ready for you

*Promotion for the launch of the Ginmon Savings Account: For new Ginmon savings accounts with a complete deposit opening application and successful completion of verification by 14.01.2022, we will waive the otherwise standard service fee of 0.75% p.a. for the capital in the savings account until the end of 2022.

Any questions?

Is an ETF savings plan more sensible than a savings book or overnight money?


The savings book as a sensible investment?

In Germany, savings accounts, call money and fixed-term deposit accounts continue to enjoy great popularity.

Compared with other financial investments, however, savings books are among the worst performers.

If you subtract the inflation rate from the savings account interest, you get the real interest rate. In other words, the actual performance of your savings. The bottom line is that you get a negative real interest rate with a passbook.

So your savings deposits are losing value instead of giving you a return.

Call money as an alternative to a savings account?

Call money is often described as a more rewarding alternative to savings accounts. However, the development of interest rates shows that overnight and time deposits are not worthwhile for saving.

The average overnight interest rate in Germany is currently 0%. The inflation rate, is around 2%. This means that the real interest rate on call money accounts is also negative.

ETF as an alternative to savings accounts or overnight money?

In contrast to call money accounts and savings books, ETF savings plans are fantastically suitable for long-term asset accumulation.

The past has shown that capital markets always offer a positive return over the long term.

How does the Ginmon savings account differentiate from bank savings products such as savings books, call money and time deposits?

Traditional bank savings products such as savings books, call money or time deposits are bank deposits, i.e. a claim against the bank. In short, you lend money to your bank.

The Ginmon savings account generates returns

Since the monetary policy of recent years has led to excessive liquidity, your bank does not need the money very urgently, nor can it find enough customers to whom it could lend the money. Often, therefore, it is merely stored at the central bank, for which, however, the latter now even charges a custody fee. Therefore, your bank is not in a position to pay you a high interest rate, but in many cases even demands a negative interest rate from you.

The Ginmon savings account, on the other hand, invests your money in the capital market. Through bonds to governments and companies, but also through a small proportion of shares and gold, the money goes where it is needed and can work for you.

In the capital market, it is therefore still possible to achieve attractive returns compared to bank deposits.

The money in the Ginmon savings account is available at any time

Bank deposits have no or a predefined term. Once this is reached, full repayment is made and reinvestment becomes due. The Ginmon savings account does not have a fixed term. It is spread over ETFs in a very large number of financial products and also remains permanently invested. Therefore, there is no fixed repayment amount at a given date. For a payout, however, a part of the investment amount can be sold at any time and the equivalent amount paid out.

Due to the fact that there is no fixed term, there are fluctuations in the value of the Ginmon savings account. However, it was designed specifically for the needs of savers so that fluctuations are limited downward. Here, the included bonds with short remaining terms as well as inflation-indexed bonds play a special role and provide stability. At the same time, the achievable yield ensures a steady upside potential that offsets inflation in the long term.

Why Ginmon and not another robo-advisor?

Ginmon is Germany's leading independent robo-advisor. Ginmon offers private investors digital asset management based on leading capital market research and robo-advisory technology.

Investors invest in a globally diversified ETF portfolio that is optimized according to scientific criteria of the Fama-French three-factor model. The proprietary portfolio technology apeiron® creates the appropriate portfolio based on each investor type and automatically implements the investment strategy.

With over 250 million euros in assets under management, Ginmon is the largest independent provider in Germany, operating without a parent institution or strategic investor. Our independence benefits your return on investment.

F.A.Z. Rendite Sieger im 4 Jahresvergleich 2021
What do I do if the global capital market collapses?


Forecasting crises

Unfortunately, market developments cannot be predicted, even the best algorithms and fund managers cannot.

Nevertheless, Ginmon takes the best possible measures for you: With an ETF selection that is based on scientifically sound findings. On the one hand, this means investing globally across all major asset classes (equities, bonds, real estate and commodities), and on the other hand, using  anti-cyclical rebalancing.

Sell in the crisis?

In case of global cross-sector negative market developments, the first thing to do is "keep calm".

It is important to distinguish between book losses and real losses. Book losses are only real losses if you sell your shares at an unfavorable time. If you hold your shares, they will increase in value again in the long term. So selling in times of crisis can be expensive.

Buy in a crisis?

If you have an investment horizon of at least 10 or 15 years, it is best to stay true to your investment strategy.

In times of crisis, prices for equity ETFs are very favorable. That means you get more shares for the same savings rate.

Change investment strategy?

When you start at Ginmon, you specify your risk tolerance. If in turbulent times you realize that you can't stand the fluctuations in the market or you are ready to choose a more active investment strategy, you can always adjust your investment strategy.

How does the Ginmon savings account perform when interest rates rise?

Rising interest rates lead to falling prices for bonds. Particularly in the current low-interest environment, it is therefore necessary to take into account the effect of potentially rising interest rates.

The remaining term to maturity provides information on the sensitivity of a bond to changes in interest rates. As a general rule, bonds with a longer maturity are more sensitive and subject to greater price fluctuations. This is known as interest rate risk.

In order to reduce this risk, Ginmon pays attention to particularly short remaining terms when selecting bonds for the Ginmon savings account.