Product Information Sheet - Terms & Conditions for Ginmon TopZins
(as recommended by the German Ministry of Consumer Protection)
Interest Rate
  • 3.73 % p.a.
Name of the product
  • Ginmon TopZins
Product Category
  • Money Market Funds
  • DWS
  • Service fee: 0.3 % p.a.; ETF expenses: 0.1 % p.a.
Product Description
  • Ginmon TopZins is an investment with a variable interest rate, which Ginmon can increase or decrease at any time. Deposits and withdrawals to a specified reference account (current account) are possible at any time. The interest rate is linked to the current Euro Short-Term Rate (€STR). The interest rate is granted until the date of a withdrawal or, if earlier, until the date of a reduction of the Euro Short-Term Rate (€STR) by the European Central Bank.
  • Price Risk/Business Risk
    The historical variation around the current performance of this investment averages 0.1% per annum.
  • Issuer Risk/Credit Risk
    The amount invested is treated as separate assets and is therefore protected in the event of insolvency.
  • Foreign Currency Risk
    No risk
Return on investment
  • Ongoing yields
    The interest return is reflected in the performance of the ETF. It is calculated daily and reinvested daily in the money market fund.
Money withdrawal
  • A withdrawal may be ordered any day without notice.
Taxation under German Law
  • If taxed under German law, interest income will be subject to the German withholding tax (Abgeltungsteuer) as well as the solidarity surcharge and, if applicable, church tax.
    Note: We recommend that you consult a tax advisor to clarify tax issues.
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